We have a solid foundation built on the mutual collaboration between CPG marketers, senior business advisors, leading researchers to ensure the program continues to meet the needs of the packaged goods community and partners.
Project Creation and Management
Media Partners - Consumer Media
Retail Partners
Media Partners -Trade Media
Agency Partners
Research Partners
Workshop Partner
Other Partners
Research Council
- To continue to provide best in class research that meets the needs of the CPG industry
- To share new learning and insights of interest to the packaged goods research community
- To continue to be in touch and meet the needs of packaged goods industry
BNPA Marketers Advisory Council
- To continue to provide a best in class program that meets the needs of the CPG marketers
- To share the Best New Product Awards strategy and provide you with an opportunity to share your opinions
- To thank you for your expert counsel over the year
- The Council represents members from across the CPG industry from large to small companies.
BNPA/CMA Success Makers Workshop Committee
- Develop an engaging program to motivate participation and provide valuable hands-on learning opportunities for delegates
- To ensure workshop relevancy to the marketing community
Get Involved with our Supervisory Board
We have a solid foundation built on the mutual collaboration between CPG marketers, senior business advisors, leading researchers to ensure the program continues to meet the needs of the packaged goods community and partners.
To provide guidance, counsel, and strategic direction to ensure the program continues its best in class activities.
- Hugh Munro, MBA Programs Director, Wilfred Laurier University (Chair)
- Esme Carroll, CEO, Zig Media
- Rob Young, Sr. Vice-President, PHD Canada
- Rosanne Caron, President, OMAC (Out of Home Marketing Association)
- Lynn Chambers, Group Publisher, Canadian Living & Homemakers
- Scott Cooper, Vice-President Marketing, Molson
- Harry Rosen, Executive Chairman, Harry Rosen
- Bill McDonald, Group Publisher, Metro Daily News
- Brent Bernie, President, ComScore
- Marty Goldberg, President, Think Do
- Garo Keresteci, President, FUSE Marketing
- Ken Wong, VP Knowledge Development for Level 5 & Queens Faculty
- Stacey Mowbray, CEO and President at Second Cup Inc.
- Michael Miloff, Management Consultant
The strategic objective of the BNPA is to develop, recognize and celebrate packaged goods marketers.