Benefits for Marketers
1. Increase in Sales
- Increase in sales with a recognized, credible endorsement with proven results with its 7th year in Canada
BNPA logo on package influences purchase in grocery, drug and mass merchandisers vs. new products.
2. Receive Actionable Global and Canadian Trended Research to shape brand plans
- Receive the Canadian Shopper Study, an in depth analysis report ($86,000 value) covering key trends affecting your business.
- Receive brand specific information including how your product scores against your competitors.
- Also receive consumer verbatims specific to your product.
3. Drive Trial and Awareness with the National PR/Media Program
- If your product is a winner, it will be part of our extensive media coverage at no extra cost. Some past examples include Canada AM, Breakfast TV Toronto and Vancouver, Strategy Magazine, and more.
- In 2009, the PR campaign had a total program reach of over 13 million Canadians.
4. Leverage your win in consumer, sales and trade communications
- Communicate BNPA win across your packaging, ad creative, product site and other relevant media.
- Use the logo for as long as desired provided the year of win is shown.
Benefits for Consumers
- Learn about new products.
- Allow consumers to make more informed buying decisions.
- Their voices can be heard with the survey serving as an outlet for them to share their experiences with others.